Sloe Gin!

Not the fattest Sloe berries, but it has been a very dry summer. Which I guess also accounts for the berries being so ripe at this time of year. We picked 8 lbs of berries, a bit more than we needed (to account for some bad or slightly green ones) to make 6 pints of Sloe Gin. I liked this part of the recipe we followed best – ‘you’ll need about half a bottle of gin, so drink the other half immediately’! Hic! Xmas should be tasty this year! Hic!

Series - Sloe Berries

  1. Sloe Gin!
  2. Making Sloe Gin (inc. Ingredients)
  3. Poor Sloe Berry Harvest
  4. More sloes than a very sloe thing

2 thoughts on “Sloe Gin!”

  1. I can confirm that despite the small size of the sloes we picked in September, the gin tastes great! We’ve been drinking it since Xmas – and there’s still loads left.

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