WordPress Blog Goes Live!

Today marks a significant leap forward in Sterling Adventures blogging…

Sterling Adventures is a year old! (A bit like the Queen, we have two birthdays – 28th December and 16th March.) And to mark that anniversary, we have moved hosting service, saved some money (so long as the UK to US exchange rate stays favourable), and found a host that supports MySQL databases (and therefore WordPress) at no extra cost. Thus we now have the platform for a fully fledged blog service. Check it out – register if you want to blog yourself (Your Reports), subscribe to the RSS feed if you want to check out our adventures regularly, or just pop back whenever you can to see what we’ve been up to!

We started with Apple’s iWeb blog (Sterling Adventures v1.0) and now we have a WordPress powered blog (v2.0). Good luck and enjoy! 🙂

Series - Blog Birthday

  1. WordPress Blog Goes Live!
  2. The Blog’s Two Years Old
  3. Blog’s Third Birthday
  4. Blog’s Fourth Birthday
  5. Blog: Birthday #5
  6. Blog Birthday #6
  7. The Blog’s 7 Year Itch?
  8. Year 8 of the Blog

16 thoughts on “WordPress Blog Goes Live!”

  1. It seems like the hardest part of using WordPress is uploading pictures!
    Non technical users just don’t understand picture sizes, how they can mess up page layouts, how they can take ages to upload/load, etc. So, now I’ve included (v2.1) a plug-in (Flexible Upload) to help!
    Good luck blogging with pictures… 🙂

  2. The latest update (v2.2) has an improved archive searching sidebar, using the WordPress calendar and a popup list of monthly archives. I hope this keeps it a bit cleaner. 😉
    I’ve also added a page processing timer in the footer.

  3. Version 2.5

    • Upgrade for WordPress v2.2.
    • Widgetized sidebar. A pain! WordPress 2.2 introduces these and virtually forces this work, not the best experience.


  4. v2.6 introduces “docking” sidebar widgets. Building on the widgets forced by WordPress v2.2, the site now uses docking boxes to allow users a degree of control over their own personal sidebar setup!

    Had to withdraw this functionality for a bit – problems with IE compatibility.

  5. Upgraded to WordPress v2.3 today. Not such a painful process, but I still wish for some automation from the WP guys!
    Tags are part of the default installation now – although I need to suss out the tag cloud so that categories are included or else all the older content will be ignored in the cloud…

  6. v2.7 includes…
    Another WordPress upgrade (v2.3.1)!
    A few style enhancements to make hyper-links clearer on post pages.
    Addition of a “hall of heroes” style list (i.e. authors) to the ‘About the Adventures Blog’ page.

  7. v2.8
    This is a fairly big feature upgrade. Images on post pages can now be rated (out of 10). Here’s to 2008 being a year where the “best” pictures get noticed (and rated)!

  8. v3.0 – two big changes for this version:

    1. Those boys at WordPress.org have upgraded WordPress again! 😐 This upgrade (v2.5) is a massive one! So it took ages to upgrade the site. But I think (hope) it’s done now.
    2. I’ve also taken the opportunity to introduce some fairly flashy slide show options for post pages!

    Ye ha, enjoy: 😉

  9. v3.1 adds these features:

    • Shortcodes to help authors include YouTube, video clip, and audio (MP3) content in to posts. See the Become an Author page to see how they are used. Added a glossary shortcode with v3.2.
    • A different look for the sidebar search tool.

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