Minging in the Rain

OK…. so why is it sunny everywhere else??? ❓ I think its time to blockade Thirlmere and charge the southerners (in Manchester) for our water. We put up with crap weather so they can wash their chavvy cars!

It was up to Raven Crag again as it’s got a good range of routes; no sooner had Anna and I started up Revelation, the rain began to sweep in.

A wet Pete arrives at the first belay

Pete and Tish decided to follow us up the route as the weather was getting worse, and it turned from a group outing to a race against the elements as the handholds became puddles, the smears became slides and the view disappeared.

Tish paddles up the top pitch

All the other climbers were heading down, so we joined them. Back at the cafe in Chapel Stile we just had tea and coffee. No cake. How could we justify it after only one route?…… hardly a Ganley πŸ™„

Just what you need in the wet…. an attentive belayer 😯

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