Notices Ticker Plugin

This plug-in allows short notices to be scrolled (ticker-tape style) or faded (in and out) on your blog. Each message is valid for a set number of days from its creation (or update) date and can also be de-activated to keep it from being displayed until you are ready to let the world see it. 😉

There are two ways to display the ticker notices:

  1. Using a simple sidebar widget.
  2. Embed the ticker into one (or more) of your theme’s template files.

I’m quite pleased with the plug-in, I hope you are too. 😳

The plug-in is available as a download here.

All I ask is that you credit the plug-in (i.e. include a link to this page or maybe add a link to your WordPress Blogroll).

:star: Why not check out my other WordPress plugins too! :star:


  • Put the complete plug-in folder into your WordPress plug-in directory (if this doesn’t make sense it probably isn’t something you should be trying 🙂 ) and activate it.
  • Define the text of your notices using the Notices form at Tools » Notices. Note that HTML is allowed in the text but be careful to avoid the " (double quote) character, use ' (single quote) instead. Each notice has these attributes:
    • Notice text (the notice itself).
    • The number of days the notice will be valid for. Note that a value of 0 (zero) will make the note sticky.
    • Once created, a checkbox indicating if the notice is active.
    • The date is the date the notice is valid from and is the date the notice was created (or last updated).
  • Use the Notices widget ( Appearance » Widgets) to show a sidebar widget that scrolls the chosen number of the most recent notices. The widget has just two options – a repeat (from the main Settings » Notices page) of the number of notices to show, and a title for the widget.
  • Or, use this <?php put_ticker( [true | false] ); ?> in your theme’s template files. Where true or false determines if the ticker should be hidden when there are no notices to scroll.
    For example, <?php put_ticker(false); ?> only shows the ticker when there are notices to scroll, whereas <?php put_ticker(true); ?> always shows the ticker – even an empty one.
  • There is a small CSS document (notice.css) in the plug-in folder to help style your notices ticker. The three styles defined:
    • .ticker – style for the text used in the notices.
    • .ticker img – style for images (use <img src=... /> in the notice text) in the notices. The example lines images up with the bottom of the notice text.
    • .ticker-div – style for the ticker container.
With great regret comments are closed on this post as I’m being deluged with queries that often boil down to “how to” requests and not issues with the plug-in, which works perfectly! 🙂 So, if you want support, even advice, use the Feedback link and ask away…

But please note I will ask for a donation before I’ll look at “how to” questions, I can’t teach PHP programming for free.

Version History:

  • 5.0 – Add support for notices from a Twitter feed (requires Twitter on Publish plug-in).
  • 4.0 – Editable start date (allows future notices). Thanks to Jackey van Melis for the idea.
  • 3.0 – Option to ‘tick’ recent posts.
  • 2.1 – Javascript uses an object to allow multiple tickers (i.e. widget and paged).
  • 2.0 – Now has fade-in-out efect, many thanks to Alex Gonzalez-Vinas for the idea and motivation.
  • 0.4 – Added ticker direction, with thanks to Shaunak Sontakke.
  • 0.3 – Error with management menu access fixed.
  • 0.2 – Ticker’s “scrollamount” option set, thanks to Klaus.
  • 0.1 – Initial version.

Series - WordPress Plug-ins

  1. Image Link WordPress Plug-in
  2. Last Year WordPress Sidebar Widget Plugin
  3. Simple Archive Plugin
  4. Avatars Plugin
  5. WordPress Post Country Plugin
    (with premium Google Mapping)
  6. Notices Ticker Plugin
  7. Comments with Avatars
  8. Simple WordPress Twitter Plugin
  9. WordPress Post Grouping Plugin
  10. WordPress Mapping Plugin

3 thoughts on “Notices Ticker Plugin”

  1. Just checked out your Notice plugin for WordPress – and while it works properly, it runs pretty fast.
    Changing line 54 in notices.php to
    $output = '<marquee class="ticker" scrollamount="1">';
    did do the trick. You might run into that question.
    Cheers and thank you for sharing this neat add-on!

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