Cold but sunny weather meant a bonus for the 1st day of November – rock climbing! Despite the biting wind and frosty start to the day the clear sky and warming sun meant rock climbing was back on the menu. We thought another trip to Yorkshire limestone was prudent to ensure a southerly aspect catching every ray of sunshine going (and to have a short approach walk). The sport routes of Robin Proctor’s Scar had been tempting me all summer, little did I expect that it would be virtually winter before I got on them…
Paul, Laetitia and I headed over (via Kendal to buy a big firework for the evening’s entertainment) to this beautiful location just across from Crummackdale. It was the Yorkshire limestone guidebook’s claim that Wheels on Fire was “Perhaps the best route of this grade in Yorkshire” that had enticed me in the first place – a bold claim that needed to be tested…

Wheels on Fire certainly is a totally brilliant route! :love: But so are the other two routes, The Inertia Syndrome (Revisted) and Subterranean Homesick Blues, we sampled before a rain shower cropped up out of nowhere and drove us away! 😥
Although, if the truth be known, cold fingers had been waiting for an excuse to escape back to the warmth and a hot cup of tea…