We’re now at Arapiles. Apparently it’s the best crag in the world. Well, actually it might just be that. The guidebook says, “Take an idyllic setting, add perfect rock, warm weather and clear blue skies. Now add some of the best trad-climbing in the world [outside of North Wales of course]“…
There are so many fantastic climbs, of all grades, with camping just a short five minute walk away. There’s not a day that goes by when we don’t stack up the stars on excellent multi-pitch routes.
It’s very dry, the lack of rain is causing problems for the farmers, so no showers for days and days… Pooooooooh! However, we’ve now had two days of cloud??? I know, I expected wall to wall sunshine every day! Amazing climbing though… but we’re missing Paul 😥 Hope the wrist is getting better.

Series - Australia 2008
- Australian Rock
- Blue Mountains
- The Australian Alps
- I’m a climber get me out of here!
- The Greatest Crag in the World … ?
- Farewell to Arapiles … for now …
- G’day Kats
- Emu Holiday Park
- Hello Grampians
- Crikey! Australia Zoo
- Glass House Mountains
- Rainforest meets Reef
- Quizzing in Sydney
- Reunion in Kiama
- The end of the Australian Adventure
Just to let you know that Vikki was already on top with Terry when Andrew came into sight. :star:
That is a fine cliff.
Beautiful rocks… so high… we’ve had blizzards, icy winds here!
x 😥
Hi Ian, I meant to tell you and Anna… you would have been SO proud of Crystal… one of her friends organised a CLIMBING party… her first time on a climbing wall… the instructor was amazed… she’s a natural… left the boys standing! She must get it from YOU as every part of my arms and legs ache constantly!
I’m bored and
Hang on. You’re at Arapiles and yet there’s no landscape photos?! Surely you can stage one of those ‘soloing miles above the ground’ shots?
Looks like interesting climbing though – fortunately Penrith wall is much better, otherwise I’d be jealous…
Take care all, and keep the photies coming! No cakes for a while?
Sorry your bored Paul. We’re thinking of you.
hi everybody your all looking good down under ,,do the down under roof ( kachoong ) the most photographed roof in the world fantastic toe hooks and big jugs ( Orestes ) on the Atridae a fine groove with good gear and wide bridging for short legs some good winning photos so far from (rock on team)
Hey Keith, no-one would do Kachoong with me – the thought of having to prusik up the ropes (or some other desperate aid techniques to get the gear) should they fall, lead to rejection from all the potential partners I asked – not that I was that confident of not falling off myself!
Needed Paul there really… Doh. 🙁