Laetitia had invited Tut Braithwaite, president of the Alpine Club, to speak at the Climbers’ Club Welsh guidebook centenary celebration earlier this year. Tut gave a great talk and as a thank-you for his part in that great weekend’s celebrations he invited Laetitia to another great weekend as the CC guest at the Alpine Club’s AGM and annual dinner. Of course I got to go along too – as Laetitia’s side-kick! 😉
We started off with some sneaky M&S pre-dinner G&Ts in the lovely room the AC had provided… 😛

After that, our hosts – Mike and Marjorie Mortimer – plied us with more pre-dinner champagne! :star:

With all the pre-dinner drinking, wine accompanying dinner, and some serious post-dinner whisky sampling I had to accept that I was going to be greeted with a mega hangover on Sunday morning. But this didn’t stop, in fact it probably helped, us do our bit for CC/AC relations – catching up with as many people at the event as we could. This included a chance for me to meet Ian McNaught-Davis…

... and make me the geek I am today! :geek:
Climbers will know Mac for his alpine and rock climbing activities, including his part in the BBC’s ground breaking outside broadcast of climbing the Old Man of Hoy. However, computer geeks who grew up during the excitement of ZX81, Spectrum, or Acorn BBC Micro development will instantly recognise him as the presenter of the BBC’s Computer Programme…

If it hadn’t been for my first computer, a BBC Micro, (thanks Mum!) and my learning to program it, not only would I likely have a different career, this site would probably not exist! 😯
The weekend wasn’t all socialising, booze and food though. Despite my predicted and serious Sunday morning hangover, after one of Shap Wells hotel’s best cooked breakfasts, I felt a good deal less groggy so we headed home via Kendal climbing wall for some arm-popping plastic-hold-pulling action! 🙂
It must have been a foody weekend as we were at the AW Fellwalkers annual dinner and slideshow. I didn’t have a hangover but someone else did!!!!
Cool stuff I remember Ian McNaught Davies teaching us all our for’s and nexts… BTW Cant see the video must be is some dodgy proprietary Mac format :sarcy:
I think I’ve fixed that issue with the video now. But you do need QT7 (free player download link above)…
You wouldn’t have Mac’s email? I climbed Mt Athabasca (Canada) with Mac and his son in 1980 and would like to write him.