Deep Fried Mars Bar Hunt Ends…

The deep fried Mars bar … a Scottish classic?

I’ve been working in Livingston (near Edinburgh) for the past eight months; working away from home and living out of a suitcase in a hotel (albeit a nice one) has been a horrible chore. Although it has allowed me to get stuck in to the new CC Tremadog guidebook most evenings. The guidebook is looking pretty amazing now, even if I say so myself. Almost all of Steve Long’s script has been set and proofread (by an army of willing volunteers – Jon Bursnall, Sarah Clough, Smiler & Clare Cuthbertson, Keith Leonard, Pat Littlejohn, Laetitia, Richard Wheeldon, and John Willson), Don Sargeant’s photodiagrams are typically world-class, Simon Panton’s bouldering sections are super useful, and Andy Boorman’s historical is mighty entertaining! We’ve already had loads of help getting the text and diagrams right too (from Pete Bailey, Steve Boorman, Duncan Bourne, Joe Brown, Claude Davis, John Cousins, Martin Crook, Colin Goodey, Mel Griffiths, Brian Hannon, Peter Johnson, Davey Jones, Elfyn Jones, Eric Jones, Iwan Jones, Jim Jones, Al Leary, Mike Lewis, Tony Moulam, Tim Neill, Andy Newton, Jim Perrin, Keith Robertson, Pete Robins, Ruth Taylor, Ken Wilson, and Judy Yates). Adding in several other contributions including crucial environmental notes from Barbara Jones and notes about the Tremadog Festival from Mike Raine and the whole lot is a masterpiece. We still need more action photos though, submit any you have for consideration here. Or join an army of professional and semi-pro photographers (Simon Cardy, Don, David Simmonite, Ian Smith, etc.) at the next Tremadog Festival, 24th April, to get your picture in the new guidebook. Be there or be square! 😛

I’ve probably missed a few names from the lists of helpers above – forgive me if your name is among those missed! But please let me know to make sure the full list of acknowledgements that will appear in the guidebook is correct.

With all of that guidebook work in the evenings, a few trips to Ratho climbing centre, and of course a lot of hard work for Sky, my hunt for the fabled Deep Fried Mars Bar wasn’t up to much. In fact it took me the full eight months to fail to find somewhere that sells them! 😳 So maybe they are not that much of the classic that popular culture leads us to believe?

To make up for my failure, here’s a recipe for deep fried Mars bars to try at home.

Series - Tremadog

  1. Tremadog Inspectors?
  2. Sunny Tremadog
  3. Tremadog Festival
  4. Deep Fried Mars Bar Hunt Ends…
  5. Tremadog Festival
  6. Tremadog is off to the printers!
  7. Tremadog – the stars are here!
  8. New Tremadog Guidebook Reviews
  9. Tremadog Launch Party

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