Whilst near Madrid learning to skydive we had to take a day off from jumping out of aeroplanes to check out the superb granite slab climbing just 20 minutes north of Madrid at Pedriza.
The weather looked wet for our planned trip to Scotland to bag the three famous sea stacks. So, plan 'B' was invoked! Learning to skydive has been on the agenda for ages and ages, except other stuff (like good weather and climbing) has always got in the way...
After the past week of glorious hot sunny weather, today started overcast and with a forecast for thunder storms! Perhaps not the best day to head all the way over to Pillar.
Super Hot weather, and the lethargy set it, so we had a 'holiday day' at Kettle Crag. More like a holiday than regular Lakeland cragging because the weather was more like Spain than England.
With the amazing sunny weather continuing we took full advantage, hitched a ride with Max, Blue and his son Lewis, and headed up Eskdale to the superb Esk Buttress.
Thought I'd take a look at our local patch this afternoon and wander round the Kentmere Horseshoe. I decided to walk up the valley towards the reservoir this time and then catch the path up towards the Nan Bield Pass.