It was our turn to pay back some of the sweat Dave had suffered digging the ground for our patio a couple of years ago; today we helped lift the turf where the new green house is due to rise from the ground next week. It was hard work, lifting the turf whilst keeping the ground solid to provide for the foundations. A team effort, Laetitia cutting the turves, Pete lifting and Dave stacking quickly got the job done!
Firstly we went to Windmore End – but that was living up to it’s name – (more) windy, and a biting easterly too! So a quick reassessment took us to Helbeck Wood Crag – which the guide suggested was sheltered. It was. But, it clearly doesn’t see much traffic. The whole place, even with being located in a ‘private’ wood, felt like we were intruding and obviously doesn’t get visited that often. Everything was overgrown. But it does have a pleasant south westerly aspect and was well out of the wind.
Laetitia got this nice picture of a small wild Green-winged Orchid en-route to the crag situated in fabulous open karst country.
Oh, and we also enjoyed a little steep limestone sport…
Thanks for your help. Glad you got a climb in. It’s a quiet crag because the guide book is out of print. Please look after it – rare as hens teeth!
See you Friday for a big erection.
Oo-er missus! 🙄
PS. I’ve lost the guide book – will try to extract a new one from an organic, free range, farm fresh, corn fed chicken…
Well done for spotting the Orchid. Best picture on the site.
I should have guessed green fingered Colin would enjoy the flower picture! 😉
Now, where are your adventure (caving/cave diving) reports?
That’s quite a mismatch of activities, de-turfing a garden then a bit of rock climbing. A good way to spend the weekend though, it seemed like a nice day for it.