Laetitia, Paul and Pete were greeted by BMC signs informing us that peregrines were nesting at today's venue - Warton Quarry. Not that we needed the signs to know that the warning in the guide book about possible nesting bird restrictions was likely to be in force, there were dozens of people twitching away with massive telescopes and cameras with two foot long lenses...
Heavy rain and a cold northerly wind was forecast, so Kath, Dave, Paul, Laetitia and Pete decided the best option for the weather was to go for a mountain bike round of Kentmere...
We set off for Gimmer Crag in Langdale today - it was sunny, and the south facing buttress seemed like a good option. Fifteen minutes from the car we came over a rise and felt the teeth of the cold northerly wind! Gimmer was going to be cold! We decided to go to White Ghyll for some shelter...