Back to reality!


After a great weeks climbing in Chamonix, the Tuesday night meet was scheduled for Curbar (Cloggy of the Peak).

Ganley was already there and had his eye on L`Horla which he despatched quickly. I followed, arms pumping hard (no tight buttocks here) just managing to top out as SS arrived. SS quickly followed L`Horla and Maupassant and then led Predator (yet another overhang). Luckily for my now traumatised arms, swarms of midges stopped play.

The lessons learnt are, Chamonix slabs and Laetitia`s excellent cooking are not good training for steeeep (!) hard grit.

3 thoughts on “Back to reality!”

  1. Quick is an outdated word when describing Ganley.
    With more warm up time the evening would have turned out better results before being chased off by the midges.
    Did Pete, Laetitia come away unscathed from down hill mountain biking over there in Chamonix?
    I thought it was a climbing trip ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Climbing, bumbling, eating, biking, shopping, festering – we did it all. And we even managed a few ill days between us.
    Grit is looking even harder than I remember – I miss those French slabs with challengingly placed bolts.

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