Laetitia & Vikki, with Mick Fowler & George Band behind
The Welsh dinner was preceded by an EGM regarding the proposed new Lakes hut – check out the CC web site for more details on that.
Next was the now annual slide competition. We’d entered a few pictures again this year, but there was no humour category, which we’ve won the past two years. So our chances had been limited to the mountain scenery and climbing action categories. We didn’t win. But a great picture taken by Ian in Chamonix was shortlisted. It’s the picture at the bottom of this post. Well done Ian!
After all that, the dinner itself was a great social affair and was rounded off by a very interesting talk by Mick Fowler on mountaineering in China. Inspiring stuff. When are we going?
All-in-all a fantastic evening – it’s just a shame that given a few glasses of wine George Band snores so loudly 😯 – we didn’t get much sleep back at Ynws Ettws… 🙁
Good looking ladies ,
Should be in london on tuesday Oct 30 around noon I will have my new world black berry [Ed. Number removed for security, e-mail Pete for details] and I will have access to my e-mail as well
Bruce Francis
Bruce, I removed your number from this comment – didn’t want the whole world to start cold calling it… 🙁
I have passed it on to Terry, Vikki, etc. though… 😉