Pete goes Petrolhead Mad!

This week we had the help of Pete and Tish in the garden. They worked like trojans. Tish did loads of digging and planting while Pete, who had a bad finger (no climbing) had the choice of a number of petrol tools to attack the garden with.

The chainsaw was his obvious favourite, and he felled 6 trees…… some for logs and some to construct a grass store. Here are a few pics of the weekend……. Thanks again guys, your help was much appreciated.




5 thoughts on “Pete goes Petrolhead Mad!”

  1. Yes, liked chopping things down with the chain-saw! 😈
    The mower came last on my list of “favourite petrol power tools” (but maybe if you get the sit on mower fixed that could change?). The power strimmer was awesome, and even better when we got the chain-saw attachment going! πŸ˜›

    Hey, and the results (the compost heap container / grass store) look great too! Especially with the model, complete with green wellies and garden fork in shot – for scale purposes of course… πŸ˜†

    Good food too – thanks!

  2. Thanks for all your help, the garden is unbelievably altered for the better.
    Andy, Sabiene and Jo will be amazed to see what their efforts have contributed to.

    Gardening may not seem to be an Extreme Sport, but when Ian and Pete have chainsaws etc etc going it can all be a bit “exciting”!

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