The Ice Factor

After a day on the hill Ian, Anna, Andy and Sabiene headed for the Ice Factor to get in a bit of practice before Rjukan. Its a good place to try out new gear and hone techniques in a safe environment, and boy did Sabiene have some new gear to try!!

New shiny Black Diamond axes and leashes, new trousers and other bits and pieces…….. but it all seemed to work ok, as you can see:


After lunch at the cafe, we had an hour or so on the plastic before our arms gave out. All told though a good few hours of exercise which hopefully will stand us in good stead for 2 weeks time.

Andy pulls plastic

4 thoughts on “The Ice Factor”

  1. Hmm, maybe, but I reckon it’ll be okay – I’ll just use my usual crowd avoidance techniques; get up late, have a relaxing cooked breakfast and arrive at the ice when everyone else has had enough!
    There are two ways to have an ice route to yourself – get up super early (silly game), or get up late and be fast… ๐Ÿ˜›

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