Easter in Langdale

I wouldn’t normally have considered rock climbing if it hadn’t been for the experiences of a week or so before in Canada (see blog to follow). As it was, the rock on Raven Crag Walthwaite was bone dry, though numbingly cold. So we spent a pleasant afternoon here, well wrapped up and gloved between pitches.

Traverse pitch on Route 2 Raven Crag Walthwaite

Sunday morning and we woke up to three inches (or was it six?)of fresh snow!


The fells looked picturesque…

View from Chapel Stile

My intuition was that Shepherd’s would be ok (the judgement influenced by knowledge that the caf opens at Easter). Even colder today than Saturday and touch of cold breeze too. Definitely needed something with large hand holds. Well, if Ray could do it in boxing gloves, we could do it in normal gloves – you’ve guesed, Little Chamonix.


By the way, top of Derision Groove seems to have been further cleaned since the rockfall of last year.


Even so, I feel there is potential for further fall, so maybe I’ll leave it a couple of years before I go back there?

6 thoughts on “Easter in Langdale”

  1. Hmmm…..Rachel is right, some of the images do seem vertically compressed 😯 I ask myself, is there a sinister reason for this πŸ˜• I speculate that with Pete away, Tish must be doing the blog πŸ’‘ I ask myself, is Tish punishing men-kind by making us look squat and fat πŸ‘Ώ πŸ˜•

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