CC Aspirants Meet Vol II

Terry and aspirant, Chris, headed to the Meet on Saturday lunch time and hit the Pass in equivocal weather. Very cold and threatening rain and nobody else about so we headed for Dinas Bach, a small cliff just east of the Mot. I’d forgotten how good this little cliff was.

Here you see a 5.7 crack problem. There’s only one piece in situ because the crack’s so uniform, the gear can be simple slid up as one moves!

Later, the good grub arrived, thanks to Viv and Ian and not forgetting Henry. By the looks on their faces, Pete and Tish haven’t seen food for months.

Next day, Terry and Chris bumped into Tish and her aspirant on the Wastad. They’d just done Shadow Wall, a route I’d missed in my first life.

That’s quite a sensational traverse!!!!

Chris had done it in 1978 (when Eric Jones soloed past him!) and kept telling me the crux was over. But I knew he was lying!

2 thoughts on “CC Aspirants Meet Vol II”

  1. 😳 Hmm, I can’t remember what food it was I was about to grab a massive handful of!? But yes, I’m sure you can imagine what a hard life it is being so massively underfed at home… πŸ˜‰

  2. Oh, and notice the slice of chocolate cake already missing when we are only just starting our main meal? Well, we’ll have to ask a Saxby to account for that… Philippa? πŸ™„

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