I’ve wanted to get a picture of the Ribblehead Viaduct for some time – it’s such a fantastic structure. Then I thought how much better it would look with a train actually crossing it. Then, what if that train was actually a steam train! 😛 After some research (using the internet’s answer to everything; Google) as to when one was due we set off to get the shot already in my mind’s eye… Luckily the train’s schedule coincided with a great weather forecast!
I’d discovered that the steam train was leaving Warrington, after being towed by diesel loco from Hereford, at 10.44am. What I hadn’t appreciated was just how slow a steam train made progress, it didn’t get to the viaduct until nearly 12.30!!! The whole morning of awesome climbing weather had been used up waiting, stood on top of a grassy hummock alongside the railway with camera poised. Although we were not alone – on our hummock alone were another eleven photographers – and everwhere one looked there were photographers and other enthusiasts (train spotters 😉 ) huddled ready for the train…
When the train did show, first just a faint sound and a waft of steam above the ridge line curving round to us, it was amazing. Such a beautiful engine in an inspiring location. Although perhaps one of the most fantastic things was the sound. Next time, video (with sound). :star:
It was quite a fun morning really – and not a tartan thermos or anorak in sight – but lots of expensive camera equipment!
Oh come on, some engine information please ❓
Colin, you could of course Google “Leander”. 😉 But here you go…
The Leander locomotive is a LMS Jubilee Class 5690 steam engine. 😎
Members of the information underclass do not Google well. Thanks for the link thingy :love: