Project in Copper – Part 1

A once-in-a-lifetime construction project has started.

A friend, running mate and heating engineer by the name of Jon Pitts ( kindly offered me a hot water cylinder and hence my plan is in action.

The cylinder travelled from Ilkeston back to Birmingham filling the whole of the back of my little car. My car is pretty noisy at the best of times, but with the seats down it is even worse. Add to that a copper hot water cylinder with something loose inside that clangs and reverberates every time the car goes over a small bump… I put the radio on almost full blast and the cylinder acted as perfect percussion at times.

Arriving home, Richard was rather amused by the sight – I’m sure he wonders what the hell I will evetually manage to make out of it. He didn’t thankfully mind bits of insulation falling off it in the house … he was even amused by the crunching sound under our feet.

Construction starts… or is that destruction?

The whole of Saturday morning was spent ripping off insulation and hack-sawing off the top and bottom of the hot water cylinder. This was relatively straightforward, although took about 1hr 30 in total! The less straightforward step was hacking through the side of the cylinder to produce one big sheet of copper. Eventually this was also achieved by a variety of methods.

The aim of the project shall remain a secret … until the big reveal – for those who think they know … shhh!

I shall chart my progress over the coming months.

Series - Copper Project

  1. Project in Copper – Part 1
  2. Project in Copper – Part 2
  3. Project in Copper – Part 3
  4. Project in Copper – Part 4
  5. Project in Copper – Part 5
  6. Project in copper – Part 6
  7. Project in copper – Part 7
  8. The copper project; Part 8 – epilogue

11 thoughts on “Project in Copper – Part 1”

  1. I’ve heard that aliens are due to land tomorrow. 😈 ………. is the contraption a one person shelter in which to hide? maybe you should add some kryptonite :mrgreen:

  2. Moonshine ❓ ➑ 😯

    My question is not “what” but “why”, think of the scrap price of that much copper :yum:

    Might be round later… :good:

  3. Dave: For solar power, I think we would need a sun ….

    Colin: I’ll save the saw shavings for you. Went down JH, but the Leviathan rigging was so bizarre! Have you been down there?

  4. Rach: Thanks in advance for the shavings, I’ll weigh it in with the rest of the copper once I have collected it 😈 Yes I’ve been down Leviathan. Not thought of the rigging as “bizarre!” just a pitch head, a long deviation, a ledge and a rebelay through two fingers of rock to the floor. Grand or impressive but not “bizarre!”. What did you do?

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