It was the start of a long and excellent weekend in Wasdale. There was a good weather forecast, but perhaps a little windy.
Today we opted for a few high fells…Slight Side, Sca Fell, Sca Fell Pike and Lingmell. We managed all four, starting from the National Trust campsite in Wasdale, we heading up towards Slight Side, cutting the corner off Sca Fell. The weather deteriorated and we got a blizzard on Slight Side.
Luckily the blizzard ceased but was still very windy for most of the rest of the walk.
We got to Sca Fell and enjoyed the fabulous vista even though it was a bit chilly.

Opting for the easier descent to Foxes Tarn was probably a wise choice given the conditions before heading to Mickledore.

It was windy, very windy on the summit of Sca Fell Pike so we didn’t stay there too long.
Liz was worried about Pippa blowing away
So a hasty retreat to Lingmell Col was made.

Lingmell was a great spot, probably missed by many wanting to get to higher peaks.

Before the light faded we headed back home, with some fine views of Wastwater and Illgill Head.

A great day, finished with a well deserved pint or two in the Wasdale Head Inn.

Wainwrights to go: 26