It was cold, it was windy, but that didn’t stop Liz and myself heading out. This time we’d got Susie, a Tibetan Terrier to keep Pippa company. Unfortunately Susie didn’t want to play, so Pippa was frustrated for most of the walk.
We had a pleasant, but chilly day visiting High Pike and Carrock Fell.

Wainwrights to go (round two): 206
I don’t think it’s allowed to start a second circuit before the first is complete; athletes can’t start the second lap of a track while still running the first. So, I think you have start from zero again once you have completed the first round. It’s only fair! :good:
💡 If you had two ice creams and they were both melting, you wouldn’t leave one to melt over your hand would you? You’d start on one and also you’d have a little go at the other one at the same time! :yum: