Back in the 1970s when we were just starting to climb ice, snowy weekends were spent scouring the Peak District for frozen streams and waterfalls to practice our skills on, the obvious one being Kinder Downfall. Problem was, it needed a good cold spell to form so wasn’t good for a short day. Not so Wildboar Clough, though not as spectacular, when formed has over the years given much entertainment.
With this in mind I set of to see what this weeks weather had produced. The approach was hard work in deep snow but after an hour the first step came into view. Two climbers were already checking out the ice which was not the best. It turned out the two were CC members Terry and his mate from Nottingham.
Having rejected pitch one we proceeded to pitch two, not much better but with enough ice to make the effort seem worthwhile. It may not be the greatest ice climbing around but it has provided hours of fun over the years and provided a place to learn ice skills for bigger things.
Love the hair and I am
missing out on the snow. Its 42 here today 🙁
good thing to those who visited Vic climbing when they did still 11 fires ranging out of control with 25 dead 🙁 Arapiles is out of bounds.
Is that you Paul in the bottom pic???? has the photo been artificially coloured; surely they only had b&w then 😆
Can’t work the top picture out! Is there anyone in it? Where would (is) the guy in the second picture be?
Looks like some knee action in the middle picture. Maybe it’s the guy Anna and Ian met?
Bottom picture is pitch 1 in Jan 1973.Top pic is pitch 1 in 2009.Middle pic is pitch 2