The Pembroke guidebook team were having a meeting at May Cottage on Saturday evening, and with the continuing sunny settled weather Paul and I thought Pembroke the ideal place (except for the massive drive south) to go rock climbing for the weekend… And thereby allowing me to gate crash that meeting. 😉
Saturday dawned sunny and warm, although there was a sharp breeze on the cliff tops the cliff faces themselves were sun drenched sun traps – pure relaxed and blissful climbing by the sea. Spring time climbing is (IMHO) the very best time to go rock climbing in Britain! 😛
We started off at Stennis Head with a couple of classic routes, and after lunch moved across to Bosherston Head (after having tried to locate Preposterous Tales and scaring our-non-sea-cliff-acclimatised-selves half to death looking down the cliff looking for the right ledge to start from!).

Saturday evening was a mad rush between cliff, hut, pub (for some dinner), and then back to the hut to join in with the excellent and well attended Pembroke guidebook team meeting. What an amazingly enthusiastic team; the new guides will be awesome!
Sunday was, yet again, sunny! 😀 We chose a less strenuous (i.e. less steep) venue today to rest our early season (i.e. weak) muscles – Crystal Slabs…

Oh, if only we could have stayed for longer – Pembroke is brilliant! 🙂 If it wasn’t for the familiar rain falling today back in Cumbria 🙁 (albeit that rain was seeming to become a distant memory after the long period of settled weather, the garden and newly planted vegetable beds did need some water). Ah, and there’s that pain in the neck called work too… :angry: