Star Trek

We went to see the new Star Trek movie and were blown away – brilliant! Big-screen movie entertainment at it’s best! :star: Well worth the extra effort of seeing it in Preston at a big-screen cinema with a high quality sound system and big comfy seats. πŸ˜€

The latest Star Trek movie is awesome; a feast for the Trekkie in everybody. Perhaps a lot of the jokes and future-plot explanations will go over the head of anyone not at least a little bit of a Star Trek fan, but that doesn’t matter, it’s a great movie anyway! And the clever timeline split it introduces should ensure we can enjoy a whole new series of Star Trek movies to come…

Zachary Quinto (aka Sylar) makes an amazing Spock!

And who would have guessed about Uhura?! 😯

All that remains now is for Ian to get himself organised and get a Star Trek fancy dress party organised… Come on Ian, we all want you to! πŸ˜‰

6 thoughts on “Star Trek”

  1. I’m sooooooooooo jealous! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    I’m desperate to see this film 😯 😯 And what is it then about Uhura ?? :love: :love:
    Does Kirk get to wrestle the leader of a female race on another planet like he always did in the original series??

  2. Can we drop the character talk please and get onto the important stuff?

    How good does the ship look on big screen?
    What does the engine-room look like?
    What noise do the engines make?
    How short are the skirts????????????


  3. Ian, haven’t you heard about Uhura yet?! Well, I can’t say… :zip:
    Colin, the ship is big, as is the engine room, and the noise level. However, the skirts are small, very small! 😎
    Rachel, yep, a red-shirt dies pointlessly and quickly in true Star Trek fashion; the trick is spotting him (well, his red shirt) before he dies… :mrgreen:

    πŸ˜† Brilliant movie!

  4. I’ve got a pair of pink plastic Spock ears I wore to a trekkie party years ago – they’ve been doubling up as door handle protectors since then waiting for a suitable opportunity to bring them back into use! As the party is likely to be too far away for me to get to (from SW London) would anyone like to borrow them??!!

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