Working just outside Edinburgh (Livingston) I’ve gotten hold of a copy of the Lowland Outcrops SMC guidebook and have been looking for after-work cragging entertainment… As luck would have it, right next to my hotel is Dalmahoy cliff; so I took a walk up to the crags to see what was on offer.
To say it’s a fairly odd place would be an understatement! It’s right above a big quarry workings area – it’s all closed in the evening of course, but never-the-less it’s a bit like a post industrial wasteland scene from Robo Cop. The cliff looks okay enough, even if it’s in a bit of an unattractive location. Although it might make climbing feel a little more serious than it actually is! As I was on my own I didn’t fancy soloing any of the routes (even though they are mostly quite moderately graded) – the serious/industrial vibe of the place put me off from sticking my neck out on a solo. 😮 I’ll have to take a closer look when I’ve got a belay bunny with me another time.

"Drop the guidebook punk! You have 10 seconds to comply!"
Is a “belay bunny” some sort of automated, battery powered, fall arrest system ❓
Yes – spot on! :zip:
Sounds very scary 😯
(Although it does offer the chance of one of you special, site supporting deals 💡 )
Over my head Colin, don’t understand/see the opportunity?
Available ( 😉 ) batteries Pete, all cavers dream of those 😆
Hey Pete, was Robocop at the crag, or is he staying at your hotel??? 😀 I love the new style climbing helmet, 😎 although it could get quite hot in the summer.
Both – Robo (as I call him, him being my new mate and all) is staying at the hotel and we went to the crag together to try out the new line of ice climbing visor you’ve noticed Ian!
Just to be really tedious (as always?!), wasn’t it twenty seconds to comply? :geek: