• The "airy and impressive" final pitch.

  • Aiguille Verte and Les drus provide another amazing background!

  • A new slabby pitch right of Mani pulite?

Aiguille de la Gliere – Mani pulite

We phoned the plumber this morning. I think French plumbers go to the same school as British plumbers. They could no longer come today, how about tomorrow?!?

We pondered what to do, then realised we had the answer all along. We’ve now recruited the building’s management company Lamy, to sort it out for us. We’ll get a hefty bill, no doubt, but c’est la vie.

Anyway, that meant we had another day of climbing to plan. This one had to be short because of the lost time sorting out the plumbing. A quick look at the Aiguilles Rouges guide and we decided upon another route very close to the lift station. Aiguille de la Gliere Lower Buttress is a mere 10 minutes from the top of the Index chair lift and is a good, albeit a little harder, alternative to the popular SE Arete on the Aguille de l’Index.

The route was nearly all in full sun – hooray – so on went the factor 40.
It’s a nice and easy relaxing route, nearly all bolted with an exciting 5b+ final pitch. Pete decided on the alternative 5c 4th pitch for a bit of fun, and also because we didn’t take any nuts for the crack on the normal 5b line.

A new slabby pitch right of Mani pulite?
A new slabby pitch right of Mani pulite?
The "airy and impressive" final pitch.
The "airy and impressive" final pitch.

We relaxed with a picnic at the top and gazed at the amazing views. And then it was a quick 20 minute decent, with a short 30m abseil back down to the lift station.

Aiguille Verte and Les drus provide another amazing background!
Aiguille Verte and Les drus provide another amazing background!

6 thoughts on “Aiguille de la Gliere – Mani pulite”

  1. Still more sun! I bet you can’t wait to get home to some coooool rain 😎 😎 😎
    That’s a good route; I did it about 12 years ago, but all I can remember is nearly missing the lift down coz of the queues when we caught 2 other parties…….. but the sky was the same bloooooooooooo :love:

    1. Are you sure? I haven’t got the guidebook with me now to double check, but I’m sure I read in our new guidebook that the route was only put up in 2004 or 7 by Michel Piola. Maybe you are confusing it with the ultra classic Chapelle de la Gliere?

  2. I’ve definitely done two routes on the Aig de Gliere…. and only one of them was the Chapelle de la Gliere. But what it was????? 😕 😕 its quite hard being old, I can’t even remember what day it was yesterday… 🙁 🙁
    (mind you Anna thinks we’re going to Spain next Friday….. 😉 )

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