I had thought that the wetness of last year’s August weather could not be beaten, we had 199.8 mm of rain in August last year. But it can be, this year we’ve had a staggering 212.4 mm in August!
Although there aren’t many year’s of data to go on (the past two years of data from Chamonix, and the past four years for the Lakes), the following graph shows the starkness of the wetness. The Lakes are two to three times wetter than the Alps!!! 😮

Check out the rainfall statistics for the Lakes here, and Chamonix here…
Really? I thought it had been quite dry this August? Oh no, hang on, that’s ’cause I was at Malham or Kilnsey cos everywhere else was so @?*&%$£ wet :angry:
And I thought all the people in West Cumbria had webbed feet because they were interbred :alien: :alien: :alien: 😯
Now I know the truth!! 🙁
It’s not just the garden sprinkler then?
Sprinkler; a wholly unnecessary piece of Cumbrian garden equipment. A more suitable item would be a ground water pump!
Should have gone to N Wales. The only day it rained was the day I went up Snowdon – horizontal wetness & V high winds (45mph+) – trains cancelled, so no tea at the top. 🙁