Having arrived in Canberra to temperatures hovering around 30 °C, after a few days we set off to the Snowy Mountains with an ascent of Mt Kosciuszco [2228m] in mind. The first attempt via the Blue Lake failed for various reasons. So two days later I decided on the shorter regular route from Thredbo.
A short ride on the ski lift took me to the start of a 6.5km walkway, a metal highway designed to protect the fragile alpine environment from the thousands of Aussie and other tourist boots which pass this way. After finishing in true tradition, tea shop and cakes were partaken of!
We have more snow here than a very snowy place, so I’m looking at the not very snowy Snowy Mountains with a bit of envy…. or is it just the cakes :yum:
Glad ya finally made it, mate 😉 Albeit a year late 😥
I went skiiing at Thredbo in 1991 – and STILL have the T-shirt!!!!!!