• El Chorro Cragging - Bolt protected cracks (!) at Valle de Abdalajis; a 2 minute walk in and sunshine all day....

El Chorro: Sunshine & Shorts

All this talk of snow, ice climbing and skiing is making me feel cold. :freeze:

So Helen and I escaped to southern Spain for the 3 B’s: Bolts, Beer and more Beer. The week was generally sunny; a bit chilly if you were in the wind but it was still warm enough for shorts and T shirts…..

El Chorro Cragging - Bolt protected cracks (!) at Valle de Abdalajis; a 2 minute walk in and sunshine all day....

4 thoughts on “El Chorro: Sunshine & Shorts”

  1. Blimey!!! 😯 bolts on a crag like that. I reckon you could throw a whole rack of gear at the crag from 30 metres and it would all place itself!! πŸ˜†
    Good to see someone doing some climbing!! πŸ˜€

    1. Are you implying plastic doesn’t count?!

      Was up north this weekend, but it was so :freeze: the batteries didn’t even try to work – no pics, no post…

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