• Richard at the Ice Grotto at Montenvers, Les Drus behind

  • Below the south face of the Midi

  • Salle à manger

  • Soft but well skied snow

  • Richard with the Dent du Geant behind

  • Strawberries and Myrtles

  • Cake Celebrations

  • Beer Celebrations

Tired thighs in the Vallee Blanche

Another leisurely start today as we headed for the Vallee Blanche. For those not in possession of a Chamonix season pass its a £50.00 round trip; £50.00 to get scared witless on the ‘Midi’ cable-car contemplating your chances of survival should the cable snap and then, at the end of the day, you have to climb a million stairs to take a poxy little cabin back to the Montenvers train in which you’re packed like sardines for the journey back down – the skiing bit in between is just fantastic though…….

Below the south face of the Midi
Richard with the Dent du Geant behind
it all goes 'tits-up' shortly after this shot was taken.
Salle à manger, and Aiguille Verte behind
Richard at the Ice Grotto at Montenvers, Les Drus behind
Beer Celebrations
Cake Celebrations
Strawberries and Myrtles

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