This is the world’s longest official Abseil and after a rainy start the weather finally cleared so we could abseil off this fantastic spot. It is a 112 Meter abseil while the last 30 Meters are free hanging 😉 – a great thing to do when in Capetown and honestly even thrilling for a climber. Just make sure you don’t have a professional photographer and film team with you – too long to wait until they set up everything. 😉

So what’s the deal with the photographers and film crew ❓
They did film our fist 5 days for some bigger online portal in germany as we did win this trip. Quite interesting but annoying after a couple of days always waiting for the film crew and sometimes having to redo things for them… :freeze:
Hiya, great pic! I didn’t know Table Mountain had the longest distance to abseil. 112 meters is quite something. if I ever feel impulsive enough I might get over my fear of heights long enough to try this! 😉