This weekend was the culmination of Arthur’s 60th birthday week, organised by Andy and Sabiene. Throughout the week, they had joined him in Scotland to walk the 60th hill he completed on the lists of Munros, Corbetts, Donalds and Grahams. (Arthur has of course completed all these lists). We joined him to relive his 60th Wainwright: High Raise.

The weather threw everything at us: a bit of drizzle, cold wind, and on the top a bit of snow, but by the time we were at the top this just meant that the champagne was nicely chilled
On the way down the weather picked up a little and we got some great views back towards Hartsop. We were ready for the evenings entertainment at the Crosby Lodge Hotel by the time we were down. Andy had done a great job organising Arthur’s family, ex-work colleagues and friends to be there. There were 57 there in all; a great tribute to Arthur and a great meal. The wine kept coming and all disappeared somewhere. Thanks to Andy and Sabiene for all the organising

To get over the previous nights excesses Anna and I met Sarah to do the 8 teashops run in Borrowdale. As the only male in attendance I was out voted when we got to Shepherds cafe and was dragged in for tea and cake. I can smugly point out that while Anna and Sarah had coffee /walnut and carrot/ banana cakes, I just had the tea. Both immediately went up 3 dress sizes………..

Happy 60th Arthur! :star:
Looks like you all had a fantastic time.
I have to say, Anna and Sarah look particularly good on coffee /walnut and carrot/ banana cake. I think I should have some as well.
I don’t believe that Ian, if you turned down cake it can only mean you had a massive slice of quiche instead!
No, I only had a cuppa, 😯 😯 but you know what the cake at Shepherds is like: when I saw it I was a bit pissed off that I hadn’t ordered any 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥