Santa Dashes are short runs – this one about 3.5 km – held to raise funds for local hospices. I was going to enter the Cockermouth one, but the lacklustre response to my request for sponsorship (you know who you are) made me unwilling to make a fool of myself. Fortunately, 250 other people remained motivated. Or should I say, 249 other people? Because I heard a small child being informed that, in fact, one of the dashers was the Real Santa.

Ian’s chickens did not enter but the Santas were accompanied by a Turkey:

I was a volunteer marshal, but some of my friends deserve immortality for their efforts. So here are:

Word is that £10,000 was raised for Eden Valley Hospice this morning 🙂
It was extremely cold and I am glad to say that in Cockermouth even the trees are cared for:

Actually come to think of it I think it was Hospice at Home – but both good and similar causes so never mind!
Looks good – and it was great to catch up with you and Ian in Ambleside. Sounds like that was the place to be today… for shopping. How was the new Adventure Peaks store?
The answer, of course is that none of them was the real Santa. His bones are in the cathedral in Bari, Italy! 👿
Yes, and his golden balls hang over pawnbrokers’ shops.