After the difficulties of pushing through the sea ice, we finally made it to the Antarctic continent on Christmas Day. Before this though we had our celebrations on the Shackleton on Christmas Eve with a 6 course dinner which was preceded by a game of football on the sea ice. The penalty area got a bit slushy by the end which was a bit worrying as the ocean here was 3500m deep!

The ship finally moored up at an area where there is sea ice still attached to the shelf. About 30 penguins were there to greet us and we were soon on a snowcat on our way 14 kms ‘inland’ to the site of Halley V. It is here that Halley 6 is being built, but it will be towed a further 15kms inland when near completion. Halley V will then be dismantled and removed. Of course, its not really inland as both bases are on the Brunt Ice shelf which although about a mile thick here, is still floating.

My first task on the build was to fireproof the insides of the bottom of the modules. It was scheduled for 7 days, but I managed it in 3 ½ so have been helping to remake some of the scaffolding steps as everything here is either sinking with the sun or buried with the wind. There is always digging to do if nothing else!!

Now the ship has offloaded its cargo the work can really speed up, but we do get the evenings and Sunday for leisure: running or skiing around the base perimeter (5km), watching films or reading.

More to come…… but I’ll end with some good festive news……. I won the Christmas raffle ………….
Series - Antarctic Painting
- Polar Painting
- Journey South
- The Journey Continues; Iceberg Ahoy!
- Ice Ice Baby
- The Weddell Sea
- Nearly there!!
- Halley 6 : On The Ice
- All Work and No Play
- Different Shades of Grey
- Racing Penguin
- The Move Begins
- Moving Postcard from Antarctica
- Winter approaches
- The Halley Marathon
- The Final Week
- The Journey North
- Antarctic Painting – Year 3
- Antarctic Demolition
Fantastic. Happy New Year to everyone.
Gosh are you out there in the sun? It’s not fair.
Wow. Seeing pictures in books or on TV is one thing but it adds a whole new dimension when they are taken by someone you know.
Awesome stuff Ian – I can’t imagine what it must be like, so far from home in such an alien :alien: place, it must be amazing! Having the work to do every day though must bring you back to reality (“earth” I was going to say; it being so alien looking there).
The picture of the edge of the ice shelf must have been a jaw dropping sight – as far as the eye can see (in both directions, left and right?) an endless cliff of ice… 😯
Happy New Year Grimmo – good to hear that you are alive and kicking – was the footie up to Isleworth Academicals standard? Shame you couldn’t retire to the London Apprentice afterwards! Mind you I expect that Rich will try and use the excuse of slush in the penalty area next time he is losing 😉 no doubt you know that we are giving the Aussies a good thrashing in the cricket – Peter is having a great time in Sydney for a change! Have fun on your day off tomorrow, Guy
Tried to leave a couple if messages on iPhone… It crashed. Hope this gets through!
Thanks for posting pics and news! Brilliant! I read them out to mum. She loves it! Main query… What was the raffle prize???!
Steve and Crystal managed Binsey (met Melv Bragg), Ling Fell, Dodd. Weather milder… Today the cold snap is back.
NYE in Carlisle again (with Harry Potter… Very long!!!)
Now on M6 hurtling south.
Missed you this Christmas; put up the tree but we all missed Santa Grimbo!
Take care. Happy New Year
i missed santa grimbo too!
Happy New Year Ian – hope the weather keeps fine!