The Newlands Valley walk of 2 January was billed as “An ascent of Dale Head”. OK, I thought, tick off a fell, not too tough, good way to start the year. Of course I should have known better: since John was leading it was as usual rather more than a stroll.
After some stress over the lack of empty space in the car parking area at Little Town, we took in Robinson and Hindscarth as well as Dale End – and all at a pretty fast pace. Admittedly it was too cold to hang about, -2 degrees C without windchill.
Although it was cold we were allowed some time to admire the views, occasionally together with other people including some serious photographers with their tripods set up on a cornice.
As there were only six of us (plus 2 dogs) there was nothing to hold John back and we positively whizzed along the valley track; the heat generated from the speed of our passage may have contributed to the melting of the final traces of ice from the paths and puddles. We made the round trip in four hours and had lots of time for a call at the Swinside inn and a sit in front of their open fire. 🙂
And just to prove that I did make the effort to get out:
The day ended for me with a girly evening at Sarah’s: supper including sticky toffee pudding and a DVD (“The Duchess”).
Well done Anna – sounds like it was a good day, if a bit speedy. I think John is getting worse! Keeps us fit though eh?
Looks like it was freeeeeezing, :freeze: :freeze: , but some great views.
looks colder than here!! :freeze: :freeze: We need to load John’s rucsack up with stones to slow him down! 😉 😉
I thought Muffin was a mule?