Month: February 2011
After being stopped by an inconveniently shaped rock on our last visit to Buxton Water aven Jim and I returned to the top of the aven with sculpture in mind.
Fortunately this is easier to climb than to say.
The rain stopped sometime in the middle of the night, but by the time we got up the atmosphere was still decidedly damp. We knew even Pavey Ark would be dry. So, we decided to do a scramble...
As the summer season draws to a close, with only 15 days before we board the Shackleton to sail back to the Falklands, it's all systems go to get the build as far on as possible...
A party of six Wayfarers joined Smiler's CC meet to Rjukan this week...
We got a postcard from Antarctica today!
We're in Chamonix for a long weekend....
Months of planning come to fruitition...
Sorry, no photos!!