Our resident Blue Tit has finished her frantic nest building activities. She lined the nest with fluffy little feathers, and then before we knew it – there were three little eggs laid! 😯 There are more now, perhaps 5, not sure… How long do they take to hatch I wonder? And how many is she gonna lay in total?
It seems like our camera is going to be a little misaligned with the centre of the nest. Never mind, it’s still very exciting…
It is so exciting watching Mrs Blue Tit sorting out her nest. She’s very busy, popping in and out, fluffing up the feathers, moving this and that until it’s just so. Sometimes it looks like she’s doing a little dance, then she dives onto her head – obviously a break-dancer – then she’s head up again moving more bits and pieces. I think she’s moving the eggs keeping them deep into the warmth of the nest.
They’re great aren’t they?! :love: I just hope the clutch hatches and survives. 😕