• Others had the idea that Gimmer was the place to be too!brBlue and Max were there with their rellies...

  • The laybacking section of F Route

  • Laetitia following F Route and Hodge on Whits End Direct

  • Another Kendal team enjoying the delights Whits End Direct on Gimmer

  • An old favourite, Whits End Direct

The Rain in Spain Hardly Ever Falls on Gimmer

We are supposed to be in Lleida, Spain this week – but, have you seen the weather?!

Torrential rain in Spain, and glorious summer weather in the Lakes. Hardly a contest! So, after some hurried cancellations and refund seeking we settled on a week at home with azure skies, climbing, biking, and gardening to entertain us. A good choice! πŸ˜€

An old favourite, Whits End Direct
Another Kendal team enjoying the delights of Whits End Direct on Gimmer
Laetitia following F Route and Hodge on Whits End Direct
The laybacking section of F Route
Others had the idea that Gimmer was the place to be too!
Blue and Max were there with their rellies just out of shot on the right...

One thought on “The Rain in Spain Hardly Ever Falls on Gimmer”

  1. Hmmm… I’m getting really confused about the legendary British weather. Everyone’s telling me that it’s raining all the time but I can see just the opposite here. πŸ˜• Maybe there’s a British version of Photoshop with a “weather button” & if you push that it changes rain & fog to sunshine in the pictures? 😈

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