As you may recall, Blackie died when Ian was in Antarctica. When he was in Austria, Mrs Frosty snuffed it. Last week there was further trauma when his favourite rescue hen, Scrappy, passed on to the great chicken coop in the sky. So from six chooks the flock was reduced to three.
Until now.
Welcome to three more rare breed girls:
the 3 new girls are now in with the others…… not named as yet, but I can confirm that the third picture is of a Blencathra Black. They took some catching tonight to put back into the coop, but I managed it in 10 minutes. 😀 Hopefully they’ll settle in soon!
How about “Sheila” (somehow Blue made me think of Australia, but being female Sheila might be better), “Ghost” (‘cos clearly she’s very white and might be a bit scary-ghost like at dusk time), and “Blackie, the Sequel” (perhaps bad taste?)?
Is alliteration required when naming breeds? Betty (Blue), Snow (White) and Cilla?
💡 Or perhaps the second one should be Mega/Movie/Neutron (Star)
Were they expensive?
Cool i love Chikkens. I have 4 i my home.
Frédéric (France)