• Adelie Penguin

  • Halley BBQ

  • Work continuing, inside and outside Halley

  • Completed areas of the Halley VI base

Friday 13th is 2 Weeks Late

Halley Construction

The season is moving on and there are only four weeks to go before we have to leave on the ship (so we’re not stuck here for the winter). All the efforts through early January to meet the Friday 13th deadline – decision day – were brought to nought by the failings of some of the systems on the mechanical and electrical side. At the time BAS did not have 100% confidence that the life support systems would be wholly efficient to take on the base for the winter, so the decision was delayed for two weeks, and its been an all out effort including late nights to move the project on sufficiently for BAS to make their decision.

The good news is that yesterday, with the arrival of a BAS board member by plane, the decision was made and they will winter in Halley 6. All the major systems are now functional and the large areas are finished. From next week we will be having all our meals in the new base.

Completed areas of the Halley VI base

Some of the lads haven’t really been pulling their (considerable) weight though and for some of us it’s been really frustrating to work on Sundays and until 10 o’clock most nights to be held up by wiring not done by guys who are ‘tossing it off’ all day and finishing early.

As you can imagine, it’s the end of the season, we’re all getting a bit crabby, and there’s been some words said and some raised voices. (Yep, I’ve shouted at a few people!) How some of them ever get anything done at home eludes me.

Anyway despite this work has continued to put the finishing touches to the modules…

Work continuing, inside and outside Halley

The science modules are all but finished and this week BAS move into them to set up and continue the science that has been continuing at Halley 5. The main module is looking more finished and the glass spiral staircase was fitted this week, while the command module (Base commanders office, surgery, comms room, server room and laundry) was completed and handed over last week.

With all the work, I’ve not got out skiing much, so the half marathon race from Halley 5 to 6 in two weeks time is looking like it might be quite slow. However, we did have time for a BBQ last Saturday, just getting it in before it was too cold to stand about outside. (We ran out of meat again!)

Halley BBQ

Windy Bay Penguins

News on the Windy Bay penguins is that the sea ice stayed for long enough for the young ones to fledge into the sea, and we now have the first few Adelie penuins about that are coming in to moult.

Adelie Penguin

With the first sunset due in two weeks and the time seeming to fly by, it won’t be long before we’re packing up. There’s still lots to do, so I’ll keep you posted on progress…

Series - Halley VI

  1. The Halley Build… continues
  2. The Halley season begins
  3. It nearly gets Dark…
  4. A day in the life…
  5. Windy Bay Penguin Colony
  6. Happy Christmas from Antarctica!!
  7. Christmas and New Year on the Ice
  8. Friday 13th is 2 Weeks Late
  9. Halley, the Final Chapter

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