Big prize for anybody who can name Terry’s new axes!
Really make everything a notch easier, I feel.
Just getting into the swing of it again. Been very warm here but forecast minus 12°C tonight with high minus 5°C tomorrow. But the promised plastic ice and associated ‘soft touches’ have all gone, I’m afraid (not the ice, just the soft touches).
Well that ice looks pretty fat and not-so-steep?
Hmm, Petzl axes huh? Given BD the elbow have ya? Although I do agree with leash-less being the way forward – been using leash-less for 18 months and haven’t looked back! 🙂
Don’t drop ’em though! Have you thought about a spinner leash for big routes?
Leashless and ropeless? 😯
Well, I could send you some cold weather from Hungary, around minus 20 forecasted for tonight, during the day it’s only minus 10! :freeze: :freeze: :freeze:
Petzl Nomic? (I go for the big prize, hopefully something :yum: )
How about Hansel & (P)Gretzl?
Definetly Nomics, cos Little Pete’s got a pair, and they’re ace – very close to splashing out some cash to get a pair. Reckon Dalma has already bagged the spot prize though! Sorry Pete, you only named the manufacturer! :geek:
Anywho, can I have a bonus spot prize for what look like modified Petzl Darts?! The front system, toe-bail and heel strap look conventional, but you’ve only a single pair of teeth on the heel. Am I missing something? :geek:
Yeah, missing something, they are BD Cyborgs.