• The front facade

  • From the nearby park

  • From the river Damboviţǎ

  • The Parliament from my hotel room

A Building of Records

Work takes people to all kinds of strange places so it took me to Bucharest for an entire year! Well, when I visited here the first time 2 years ago, exactly the same time of the year, I thought I would never in my life come to live here … so where else should I have ended up?

But compared to my first impressions I must say that it is a pleasant surprise. Even in 2 years, the city has developed a lot. Well, the architecture is not exactly breathtaking to say the least, but one of the reasons is exactly the building I’m going to show.

On the other hand, I’ve never seen a city with so many parks. People are very nice and friendly. The sun is always shining (well, except for the nights, of course), I’ve been here for a month now and I’ve seen no rain so far. Too bad you can’t go climbing nearby but I’m sure I’m going to explore some climbing in Transylvania later when I have my car here.

As I said, the architecture is not the best in the world (thanks to Ceausescu) but there is one building that can be seen from almost anywhere in the city: the Parliament, or the People’s House as people tend to call it here. It holds many records, which you can all read about here…

So I took pictures of it from many different locations.

In the first 3 weeks of my stay I lived in a hotel until we found an apartment.

The Parliament from my hotel room
From the river Damboviţǎ
From the nearby park
The front facade

And the apartment I found couldn’t be anywhere else but in front of the Parliament! So here’s what the building looks like from my window in the night:

As the title implies, the building holds many records, which are listed on the referred Wikipedia site I would only emphasize two of them: it is the largest parliament building in the world, and sadly, the most historic architecture was ruined (including 28 churches!) just to build it. 🙁 :angry:

I thought it was the ugliest one as well, at least it is ugly compared to the Budapest Parliament Building. So I browsed the web and found some even uglier … if you feel like it, search them out for yourselves!

2 thoughts on “A Building of Records”

  1. Maybe not so much ugly as imposing? In any case, I agree the Hungarian Parliament Building is spectacular!

    (Work sucks huh? :angry: Sending you away from home for such a long time?)

    1. No, this time I’m not joining the “Work Sucks” club, I’m actually enjoying it here. 🙂 And watch the blog later on for some fantastic Transylvanian climbing! 😉

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