With her keen eye for decoration Laetitia had noticed (i.e. nagged me about 😉 ) the weathered state (splitting wood and flaking paint 🙁 ) of our shutters. So, being a two-man job lifting the shutters off, and in particular back on to, their hinges I recruited a decorating professional – Ian…
Although I had to call Laetitia out when she referred to our enterprise as “DIY”! Sure, we were ‘doing it ourselves’, but to my mind DIY is something simplistic like putting up a shelf or assembling a flat-pack cupboard. Stuff like renovating shutters is, ‘extreme property maintenance’ surely?! 😀
Anyway as promised here are a few snaps to record our efforts…

(Really, we were waiting for the 3 hour lunch break at the Bricolage to end so we could buy the paint.)

After several days of leaving the paint to get really dry and hard we put the shutters back up…

I wonder how long the new paint will last against the trials of Chamonix snow, ice, and sun?
Wow, they did look a mess before you started. It’s great that they came up so well. Maybe you should advertise your (or Ian’s) painting services to the other apartments?
I still think pink would have looked nicer. 🙁
That decking is looking a little sad 👿
I’ll get my coat.