
From Antarctic Demolition

From Ski Touring @Schliersee (Bavaria)

From Nuclear dump threatens Lakes

From A surfeit of puddings

From Central Gully, Great End

From Curry Night at Whitewalls

From Lakeland Skiing

From El Chorro - part 2
Month: December 2012
After another year of enthusiastic blogging here's my annual round up of a few personal favourite reports from the past twelve months. It's never easy picking out the highlights, so feel free to chastise me for missing yours. I hope these highlights help us all celebrate the blog's seventh birthday...
As ever the start of the Halley season started with the long journey from London to Cape Town and then the flights to Antarctica. We boarded the usual Russian Ilyshun which lands on an ice runway and then did the 5 hour flight from Novo to Halley in a Basler aircraft.
As I needed to train a bit for our Chamonix adventure in January/Februar I had to do something about the lack of ski touring experience for the last couple of years. Visiting Max at his new place in Miesbach, Bavaria we decided to take the risk and despite the rain, which poured down on us …
The BMC are encouraging their membership to stand up be counted by signing the No Nuclear Dump In The Lake District e-petition...
At the weekend there were two local Christmas Pudding races.
With the fantastic freezing conditions in the Lakes currently, as well as allowing for some surprising Lakeland skiing, there was also an opportunity for a super fast solo ascent of Central Gully on Great End…
Running, eating, caving...
What a laugh we had today – a bit of early season skiing in one of the least likely resorts – the Lake District…
We might have been in the south of Spain, and it might have been sunny, but it was really, really cold.