• Hardly the M6

7 thoughts on “Rush Hour on Highway 93”

  1. Well you’ve never been one for long reports Terry, but this takes the biscuit, just 3 words! And one of those is a reference. What were you doing on the Parkway? Where had you been? Where were you going? Who were you with? Did you climb anything? Perhaps you were skiing? Perhaps you were visiting the Num-Ti-Jah Lodge? etc! :geek:

    1. Terry, I’ve been trying to reach you. I was in Canmore climbing around the time you came but lost your email address. I have changed mine since I moved last year you can reach me now at skeena26@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you and Vicky

  2. Hey Kathie, great that you got in touch via Sterling social media and pals united site πŸ™‚ *I guess HW93 is your commuter route πŸ‘Ώ Sounds like you’ve left town now – funny year in the Rockies, Eh πŸ˜₯ Feels like I’ve been here months now πŸ™‚ Anyway, will be in touch :star:

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