The weather this weekend is cold! But unlike the past several weekends that have seen brilliant winter climbing conditions in Scotland there’s a strong wind and almost blizzard conditions prevailing outside right now! All this despite the fact that it should already be early spring-time rock climbing season. This weekend last year it was nearly 20°C in the sun at valley level and we went rock climbing on Gimmer Crag. Lets hope the long, cold, and late winter in 2013 means we’ll get a long, dry, and hot summer!
Oh well, putting the weather aside, I guess it’s lucky in a way that the poor conditions are this weekend as we had a birthday party to attend in Derby, my Mum’s. We like parties – they mean cake! :yum:

All the family couldn’t make it due to the heavy snow. My brother was stuck in West Yorkshire and my older sister in the Isle of Man, so it was a smaller gathering than normal.
Despite the cold weather, we decided we needed a walk in the park, and because there was snow, that meant taking the sledge.

After working off a few more calories, we went home for more cake :yum: , more tea :yum: , and eventually home made curry :yum: .
The gathering may have been small but the cake still doesn’t look up to the job of feeding everyone. However did you all survive?
The candles were ENORMOUS! And there were two cakes!! 😯 😯 😯 😯
Are you saying you were forced to eat the candles? What calamity!
I bet your Mum can count snowy birthdays on one hand. 🙂
Looks like a fun day, even for the little poodle under the coat. And the cake looks :yum: