Today it was sunny, so we went rock climbing! 🙂
The weather in the Alps this year has been less than perfect, i.e. a little too cold and far too wet! But today it was wall-to-wall sunshine and lovely and warm. So our choice of adventure was of course rock climbing in the sun! 😀 We went for Voie Ravanel on the Aiguilles Crochues. This is a fairly long, 400m, 15 pitch route that reaches the summit of Aiguilles Crochues. With it also requiring a longer walk from the Index chairlift we hoped that with the length of both route and approach we would keep the route to ourselves. Even so we caught the first (well, the second) Flégère téléphérique, although this was mainly to ensure we had enough time to complete the climb and get back before the last lift down at 4.45pm.
Here are a few snaps from the day…