Pete was working today, teaching micro navigation, so Zac and I went for a bumble.

We started out in Elterwater and worked our way easily up towards Silver Howe. I haven’t walked along this bit before. There were good views down to Grasmere.
The terrain was easy enough, paths all over the place, so without a plan I just kept heading in the direction of Stickle Tarn.

Once there, after a bight to eat, I took a look at the map. Reverse my steps or try to find a circular route back to Elterwater? I could see that if I worked my way down Stickle Ghyll and cross the road at the New Dungeon Ghyll car park, I could join the Cumbrian Way, which would take me directly back to Elterwater. Perfect.

The path took a little diversion, and remembering to look back I got some great views.

A little bumble turned out to be 19km. Glad I had chocolate cake to come home to.