Theresa May wants a third meaningful vote on her deal in the House of Commons in case MPs can be persuaded to change their minds now that they know more. I think we deserve the same opportunity. So last Saturday saw us at the Put it to the People march in central London – following up on the People’s Vote march that we attended last October… #peoplesvote #stopbrexit
We stayed with family in Bedford on Friday night and caught the train into St Pancras early Saturday morning, enjoying a yummy breakfast there before heading off to Green Park and the start of the march at 12 noon – or “High Noon” as the organisers had christened it. 😉

The march was massive – easily much larger than last October’s event. There were something like 700,000 protesters in October 2018. This time round there were “over one million” (1,000,000+) protesters. We did hear it might even have been somewhere between 1m and 2m! Whatever the actually number there is no doubt that it was way bigger than last time. For example, an anecdotal point is that when we left the October march, at about 4pm, Piccadilly was starting to return to normal and the march was dispersing with even a little traffic. However, at 5pm this time the entire length of Piccadilly right through to Parliament Square was still totally gridlocked with people shuffling towards Parliament Square. All that even though all the scheduled speeches had finished at 4pm. Simply massive!

Just like last time, listening to the speeches was rousing and it felt like we really could be making a difference, that Brexit was losing momentum. However, as before and possibly learning from that, today I wonder if the evil, wicked, and delusional Brexiteers will simply ignore us and tear us out of the European Union against our will.