• Jana, Ed, and Laetitia enjoying dinner van-life style ... it was so hot in the daytime (over 35 degrees) that even late in the evening it was well over 20 degrees ... nice!

  • Ed getting creative taking a picture of the Danube through one of the castle windows...

  • A selfie with the Danube behind taken from the Durnstein Castle ruins

  • Zac and Laetitia on one of the towers at Peilstein

  • Visiting Rebecca and Mathias in Karlsruhe ... and some drinks by the lake with Leander and Luca

  • Ed just had to find a route at Durnstein, despite it being around 35 degrees in the shade and significantly hotter in the full sun as this route was!

  • Beer and German Sausage in Bamberg

Austrian Cragging

On the way to Austria we stopped in Bamberg for a night. Not only did we snag a great German beer and Sausage dinner we also just happened to be in Bamberg during a music festival. The town was very lively! 🙂

Beer and German Sausage in Bamberg


Our first destination in Austria was Peilstein. We had two days here discovering the crags (and eventually a guidebook from the Austrian Alpine Club hut on the top of the crags) before we were joined for two more days by Ed and Jana…

Durnstein and the Danube

We moved on to Durstein, a very touristic and beautiful town on the bank of the Danube…

Bizarrely it’s only now that I am at home writing this post that I see that Dalma had already written a piece about Durnstein. Wow!


We did swim in the Danube, but the best swimming was near another major tourism destination, Hallstatt. Hallstatt itself was far too busy to linger in though.

Obersaltzberg and the Eagle’s Nest

Our next stop-off was actually back in Germany at the Eagle’s Nest…


More sport-climbing in Schneizlreuth…

And an example of our evening dinner van-life style…

Jana, Ed, and Laetitia enjoying dinner van-life style … it was so hot in the daytime (over 35 degrees) that even late in the evening it was well over 20 degrees … nice!


After Schneizlreuth we left Ed and Jana and, seeing as we were so close to Karlsruhe on our route home, we headed off to say hi to Rebecca and Mathias…

Visiting Rebecca and Mathias in Karlsruhe … and some drinks by the lake with Leander and Luca
Pete and Mathias getting ‘dangerous’ on hire scooters in Karlsruhe

Vertus & Champagne

And as a final chapter to our multi-venue trip was a stop at Vertus for a bit of cragging and our obligatory annual trip to the Champagne region…

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